
Women in the actuarial profession roundtable event

Women in the actuarial profession roundtable event On 30 January, a roundtable event focused on ‘recruiting and retaining female actuaries’ was co-hosted by Connectr, the IFoA, and Pacific Life Re. The event brought together a diverse group of professionals, including representatives from leading actuarial employers.

The event focused on two key areas, covering both recruitment and retention challenges and opportunities in the profession. Key discussions centred on the need to expand the recruitment pool, considering talent from a variety of STEM disciplines, including those outside of traditional actuarial backgrounds. A range of inclusive hiring strategies were also highlighted as important steps toward improving gender diversity.  

Expanding the talent pool also emerged as a crucial area of focus, with early outreach to schools and universities identified as essential for raising awareness about actuarial careers. Participants emphasised the need for long-term engagement strategies, such as internships and mentorships, to encourage students to enter and stay in the profession.

In the second part of the roundtable, attendees discussed how to shift the perception of the actuarial profession to more dynamic and impactful. Storytelling and engagement through social media platforms were identified as key tools for attracting young talent and raising awareness of the profession’s relevance in solving societal issues. Female role models and returnships were also seen as vital for breaking stereotypes and supporting individuals who may have taken career breaks to re-enter the field. 

The event concluded with a call to action for attendees to commit to specific actions that support diversity within the profession. There was a commitment to meet again in September to evaluate progress towards these goals. If you would like to be involved in the group and support this drive for change, please contact Simon Reichwald (simon@connectr.com).


Find out more

Roundtable executive summary (PDF, 350 KB)

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