
Actuaries as valuable partners: propelling reinsurance team success

Actuaries as valuable partners: propelling reinsurance team success Valerie Gilles-Coeur, Swiss Re, previews her presentation to the IFoA Asia Conference 2023, on how actuaries can assess reinsurance solutions and contribute to company capital strategy.

The 1/1 renewal cycle of 2023 was marked by a sharp hardening of the reinsurance prices on certain lines. This surprised many companies and their reinsurance budget was not sufficient to absorb the increase, leading some cedents to erode their protection without proper consideration for the risk involved for their company.

This year the industry is getting ready for another hard renewal and in this context actuaries can help their reinsurance colleagues get a better understanding of the implications of their choices.

This is already happening in several companies in the region, for example the actuary of a Malaysian company was sharing months ago that he was busy comparing the impact of different reinsurance structures for his company, at the request of his board.

Some other companies in Asia, though, have a reinsurance team very focused on the price, at times negotiating for some less favourable conditions for their company with the unique goal to go cheaper: these would benefit from actuarial insights.

Why is this technical support necessary?

  • First, during renewal times, reinsurance teams are busy discussing with brokers and reinsurers and may not take the time needed to run proper simulations
  • Second, and this is typical in hardening markets, reinsurers often do not quote exactly for the cover requested. There are some additional adjustments (structural features) and these are impacting the protection of the cedent. It is important to understand how these may affect its financial strength in the long term and cash flows in the short term.

My session at the IFoA Asia Conference 2023 will illustrate how actuaries can assess the impact of typical structural features proposed with proportional or non-proportional treaties.

It will:

  • describe some structural features applied to reinsurance treaties in order to make their price acceptable to the cedent
  • briefly explain their impact on the expected ceded claim experience
  • take the audience through some case studies to explain how actuaries can help the reinsurance team assess the impact of different proposed structures on the company performance and financial strength, making an assessment using the results of deterministic scenarios or stochastic models
  • illustrate the underlying mechanics, aiming to guide the actuaries towards their own implementation of this approach
  • provide an opportunity for more specific questions about the implementation or structural features in the Q&A section at the end of the session.

Actuaries are well positioned to assess reinsurance solutions from a risk/reward perspective, understanding how these structures can impact the company business plans or contribute to their capital strategy.

In this context, the IFoA Asia Conference offers the perfect platform for this presentation, bringing together actuaries from around the region and offering them new ideas with which to support their colleagues in achieving a successful reinsurance renewal for their company.

Learn more at the IFoA Asia Conference 2023

Don’t miss Valerie at the IFoA Asia Conference 2023 on 25 September in Kuala Lumpur.

Book your place before 15 September

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